DSfix 1.2

This version includes the following bugfixes:

  • Fixed some symbols still appearing with HUD toggled off (buttons, dashes, etc)
  • Fixed cut-off messages at some specific resolutions
  • Improved SSAO quality and speed, reduced distant artifacts (there is still some flickering, this is due to the method, use weak SSAO or downsample to mitigate this)

And adds these features:

  • The screenshot folder can be specified in the .ini (this was a popular request)
  • Texture override functionality! Any texture in the game can now be customized, e.g. for changing the button prompts or adding higher resolution fonts.
  • In conjunction with the above: texture dumping. This will provide you with the base textures for the game and their hash code, so that you can override them. This is only for people who want to create their own override textures.

For more information about the texture override feature, look at the .ini and the included example override texture. Here’s a picture of the example override (note that it only shows up once the “logo movie” is over).

As always, consider donating if you like the mod.

DSfix version 1.2 download
(Alternative download location)

(The download is now hosted externally, sorry for that. The traffic was just getting too much. I hope it’s not too inconvenient for anyone!)

Please please remember to read the README.txt!

And before I forget: if you come up with any good overrides, please post them below!

271 thoughts on “DSfix 1.2

  1. Hi guys. The save game backup isnt working for me. Its enabled. Funny thing is that it works on a non legit copy of the game, but not on the steam copy.

    Any help is very welcomed.

  2. Hi Peter thanks so much for the Dsfix lovin what it can do so far. Was wondering if you knew of the any way to change the music/sounds in the game?

      • Hey what is ur setting ?? mind to tell ? because I have 7870 and FX6100 but the fps sometimes drops…or any suggestion to maintain the fps above 25 fps?

          • same as many others have stated. sounds like user error more than company-based failure. AMD platform running perfectly fine with very minimal frame drops around particles since DSfix 1.1:
            890GX pro3
            phenom ii 955 (4.2GHz)
            1GB 6870 (900MHz/1100MHz)
            4GB DDR3 1600 ram
            WD Caviar Black 7200

            renderWidth 1920
            renderHeight 1080
            smaaQuality 4
            ssaoStrength 3
            dofOverrideResolution 810
            disableDofScaling 0
            dofBlurAmount 2

          • only thing that cause FPS drop right now on what ever hardware you using is the special effect that look like a flame thrower. and this also happen on console version too.

            however, it seem the problem in pc is almost come from the really bad optimizing that not use CPU and GPU at full power like it should be.

            thing like this can only fix by game developer them self……

  3. Hey Durante,

    i am working on a GUI for DSFIX…i am done, but I can’t figure out why Dark Souls isn’t loading with this INI:

    your wrapper stops logging after this lines:
    ===== Thu Sep 13 04:47:21 2012 =====
    ===== start DSfix 1.2 = fn: D:\games\DarkSouls\DATA.exe

    loading and saving the standard INI with my GUI works. Some of the meta-keys in the new INI may are the problem. Can you try loading the INI and tell me what the problem is?!

    Thanks :D

  4. How do I override the textures? I put it in but it wouldn’t work. (It is a png no?) I also enabled it in the ini

  5. Pingback: Dark Souls (pc)now supports custom textures! | Takuchat

  6. If i enable supersampling by downscaling and go to cristal caves, where you fight Seth, i see some black lines flashing on the floor. One question, i have a 16×10 monitor, with a 1680X1050 native resolution. I’m using:
    renderWidth 1920
    renderHeight 1200

    Can i use a dofOverrideResolution 600 or do i need to use the ones you listed, like 540 or 810?

    Thanks. ;D

  7. Ive run across only two problems so far, one is that the trees outside of sen’s fotress look really funny and smudgy compared to the rest of the game. The other is this blinding white flash that occurs in the forest where you open the door of Artorias. Other than that, the game looks fantastic. I still get the slowdowns when particles are introduced, such as blighttown, or when you walk across the bridge in new londo. This ive heard is the game’s engine’s fault, but f you can figure anything out, many people would be very happy.

    Keep up the great job man, i hope youre makin some money!

  8. For some reason the save back up feature doesn’t work. It use to, but then it just stops.

  9. Any suggested settings for this PC?
    I wanna get the best queality/render I can for this game.

    My PC:
    AMD PHENOM II X6 1050T 3.2GHz
    4GB DDR3 RAM
    Vapor X Shapire HD 5770 1GB GDDR5

  10. I’m absolutely stunned with this new texture replacement feature, great work. I would like to add that I have also found difficulty replacing a certain texture (the Elite Knight chest normal map) so perhaps there is a bug. Transparency seems quite limited too. I haven’t done any extensive testing but it seems to be limited to polygons that previously had partial transparency?

    Also, I’m curious, is it possible to replace models and animations in the same manner if someone manages to reverse engineer the model format?

  11. Is there any chance for an AMD/ ATI fix in the future? (especially the mobility series). Tried every workaround out there and still can’t get more than 50% usage…

  12. This is really neat, I’ve encountered a problem with the texture override though, which can be summed up with that certain textures can not be overriden.

    From some very light testing this _might_ be related to objects using more than one set of textures. e.g. the Holy Robe chest piece uses two sets, 2x Diffuse 2x Specular and 2x Normals for different parts and only one of these sets can be overridden while the other will stay default.

  13. TIP: sign up for mediafire. Its worth it.

    Also, why is no1 helping him with a GUI. I get sick of editting the ini file everytime.

  14. Hey. Thanks for the updates. How to remove the mouse, in the latest patch is not removed?!

  15. Hey, just letting you know there’s a great file hosting site, http://www.peejeshare.com/

    This site is even better then megaupload used to be. No waiting times, no limits, high speed downloads. It’s pretty good. Would be ideal for hosting dsfix.

  16. Hey, as first thanks for the mod.
    Will it be possible to implemented other armor and stuff into the game? Cant wait to play it with the armor of guts (berserk) and the sword.
    (i have no plan about modding)
    Thanks for your info.

        • Clearly if the file is required, then it’s not rubbish. Also it’s less than a few kilobytes, so there’s NO reason to want to get rid of it aside from mental issues such as OCD.

          • My brother is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and he washes his hands 5 times when he gets home.

            He’s been doing it since he was 5 and his hands were always so raw all the time…
            So eventually we swapped out his handsoap with handcream mixed with a tiny bit of soap to make suds, and he never noticed.

            It was like he didn’t care his hands were bleeding from washing them so much, he needed to wash them because he said they’re dirty.

            No one tell this guy about hidden files, or that deleted files are actually still on your hard drive long after you’ve emptied the recycle bin. It’d be like the time someone told my brother than there were more germs on the bathroom sink handles than anywhere else… he cried for hours and threw an anger fit.

          • It is some sort of programming conventions. Default values are hardcoded inside program module. Purpose of config file to simply overrides these defaults.

  17. Does anyone have a weird blue flash when you kill a enemy in the forest? That happens a lot to me. o.O

  18. Durante, I never tried SMAA 1x before.
    It is great on ultra, I can see the difference. But I have strange blue artifacts (someone posted this before as I remember) appearing in Darkroot Garden after the gate is opened.
    Can U check this?

    GF 560 Ti OC
    never had these artifacts before.

  19. I think DSfix v1.1 is better except new features.

    In the same setting, DSfix v1.2 let the performance a bit worst and has some problem with shadow.

    Then i will go back to use DSfix v1.1 and if another have same problem it can fix.


  20. Bug report:

    Bonfire button icons during no HUD have disappeared, but powerup icons during binocular usage have not. They still appear as in the link below.


    Also, 1.0 = Steam screenshot button didn’t work
    1.1 = Steam screenshot button worked
    1.2 = Steam screenshot button doesn’t work again.

    I have it set to my 0 key above my P key… however, none of the key configs in dsfix conflict with it…

  21. No luck with SMAA, running a GTX 680, crashes if I enable it (Also can’t toggle it or any of the options on numpad 1, 2 and 3)

    Other than that, fantastic! :)

    • Forgot to mention I cannot enable Texture Dumping either, and when I enable Texture Override nothing actually overrides (not even the included title screen)

      • Correction on the override, I forgot to wait for the intro movie to finish, still no luck with SMAA though.

    • For reference, I’m running an Alienware M17x R2 with ATI 5870. Maybe I need to uninstall the Alienware OSD? I think version 0.7 managed to get my icons looking sharp and textures looking great, but I have no idea what settings I tweaked to get that to happen.

      • In dsfix.ini, try changing the value of “dofOverrideResolution” to something different than your “renderHeight”. Like, try “810″ in dofOverrideResolution for starters.

        • Tried 810 and 540.
          Tried uninstalling Alienware OSD and Command Center.
          Closed MOM and all other tray programs.
          Disabled Avira Antivirus and added exceptions for DATA and Dark Souls…

          Same situation. Menu backgrounds, text, and icons are still blurry/pixelated.

    • Trying killing the processes that Catalyst/Vision control Center Wants to run. MOM.exe for instance, and quite a few others.
      It might be a good start.

    • Oh, I just remembered. Try double-checking all the dsfix files in your folder. You might have overlooked one which is conflicting.

  22. only annoy thing for me is when some thing like flame thrower effect come out (such as drake’s flame or gargoyle’s flame attack). frame rate will drop a lot. some time it even cause me killed cause i stuck in that flame and stutter till can’t move to any where.

    *i wonder this will has a chance to release some thing like game of the year edition like another game or not ? if it has i hope that time the game developer will fix and improve every sh*ts they did in this version…?!

    • The drop in frame rate happens with every particle effect, even backstabbing an enemy drops the game to 15 :(
      If they didn’t manage to fix this in the PC version (unless you have a very specific PC that the game likes) then I don’t see them fixing this anytime soon, most likely just in Dark Souls 2 if it ever comes out.

      • Well it could be worse. For example my game is running at 15 fps at all times. I’ve tried re-installing, turning every setting off and I can’t go over 15fps. (E8400 with GTX 460)

        • As a side-note when playing my CPU stays at 30~45% and GPU 65-70% so I really don’t see any reason why the game runs so slow.
          Anyway the game is too good even at 15fps.

          • This issue has plagued my playthrough too, i’ve enjoyed the majority of the game looking brilliant at 1080p, but some backstabs and almost all heavy particle effects cause the stutter, gpu usage stays at 15% and vram never goes above 350mb.

            I will try what has been posted with the nvidia inspector, although if it is the same effect as ‘prefer maximum performance’ in the nvidia control panel, which I have already tried along with 290182309183 million other things, I won’t get my hopes up.

            By the way, I also run a 460gtx, I would say maybe that is the problem, but I’ve seen others say they run smooth with no drops with a 460gtx….It is a really annoying problem that I would love to get to the bottom of some day, but I lack the knowledge in this area.

          • Well that helped, now 1280×800 works at 30fps, any higher goes back to 15fps even if the GPU load is kinda the same.
            Thanks a lot!

  23. Could you maybe fix the health bars of enemies so they are bigger and more visible – all I get is a tiny thin line.

    Thanks for all the hard work.

    • Made a quick ‘n dirty version of this last night. Check my posts near the top of this page.

  24. Hi Durante! Wanted to report that it’s been happening to me the same as other have reported on previously versions. I get the blue/green of everything on screen on the forest when the camera points towards a direction. I’m newbie and have just reached that part of the forest past the sealed door. There it happens, and never happened to me. If you need it I can try to take a screenshot but there are some mobs that kill me pretty fast, so it’ll be difficult.
    For the record, I have set 1920×1080 internal rendering, SSMA off (as I cannot see the minor difference even on ultra toggling on and off ingame or in the .ini), SSAO 2, gauss blur 1 and DOF res 810 with a i7 860 and a GTX260 with latest WHQL drivers on a Win7 64. Options ingame are 1920×1080 AA off and Motion Blur on. If you need more info, logs or whatever is needed to help, just tell me what to do.
    As a side note, whenever you release another version of your wonderful mod, I always look for the fix to the misplaced black window of the game just before it goes to fullscreen on launch. Could you please tell if you have in mind to do anything to fix it? (not to make it to rush, only to be calm as I knew that it’ll be fixed on a future, whenever you can)

    As I said multiple times before, thanks thanks and thanks for this great job :-)

  25. >Texture override functionality! Any texture in the game can now be customized
    Pony Souls: Prepare to Friendship Edition

  26. Sensacional fix, been using it since its first version and it keeps getting better and better. It’s like buying a whole new game. I’ve donated €20, but FROM Software should contract him to properly port the game to PC :-)

  27. Would it be possible to create a winsock interception library that forced a connection to your friend? For a proper co-op experience?

    • It’s probably possible, but first you need to reverse-engineer the entire network protocol of DS.
      (Which would be a good thing to do in any case, since the servers will probably be turned off at some point)

      • I think this would be winner for someone with the know-how to take such a project on. From have already said that the current co-op experience is by design and are unlikely to change it. This is a real shame for anyone who wants to experience the game with their friends. The co-op side of the game is really fun when you actually get a game going.

        I had a nose at doing this, but it’s probably beyond my current talents. I suspect it might be a simple case of calling the function that the summon sign calls, if all clients are listening for summon connections at all time.

        I wonder if anyone will/already is take it on? It’s probably a lot of work (entire private server?) but would be a total winner with the community, people seem to be screaming out for it. When I first read the steam features for DS:PTD-E – it said the co-op was “enhanced” but they changed the feature list just before launch to just “enhanced pvp”. :(

        • Holy crap, keep this in mind. Try to find someone who can take on this project and the internet goes to you my friend.

  28. Am I the only one who thinks this looks worse than the previous version? On my game anything beyond about 10 metres from my character is really jagged and out of focus. Gonna roll back…

  29. Hello.

    Thanks you Durante, your fix is great.

    Anyone play the game with Gt555?
    When i set the resolution to 1366*768 the game is slow down very brutaly. If anyone play with laptop could write the settings which used?
    And by the way, what is downsample? It is make the game more sharper?

    Thansk for reply.

    • Canirunit.com

      checks to see how well your pc can run it

      Downsampling is when you make the resolution in game higher than your screens resolution
      so 3d resolution is set to 2160 x 1440, it gets “downsampled” to 1080 to fit the screens intended resolution. Makes it look more clear, less jaggies/aliasing

  30. [qoute]
    Texture override functionality! Any texture in the game can now be customized, e.g. for changing the button prompts or adding higher resolution fonts.
    In conjunction with the above: texture dumping. This will provide you with the base textures for the game and their hash code, so that you can override them. This is only for people who want to create their own override textures.


    So. Awesome.

  31. Just a small request: Can you implent a override for how windowed fullscreen works? Currently its always stretched, so could you add a option for a non stretched version?

  32. Thanks for the fix, Durante. Donated, because you’ve made the port the way it should have been. And in all honesty, Namco should pay you for your work, because I have no doubt that the fix and the press it has received has drawn more people to the game.

  33. thank you, this is a very good job, ill be waiting for hud scaling and performance fixes
    can i request some performance fixes?
    -can you make lesser smokes? smoke effects always make my fps drop
    -can you make the water splashes smaller? it makes my fps drops too
    -seeing you can override dof resolution, can you make dof non existent?
    thank you for the fixes anyway, they are great, especially the skip intro

  34. Peter would it be possible for you to add a section in your blog for user texture submissions or ect. As in the comments above i’ve found some really cool changes that people have made which other might miss you don’t read comments

      • That’s brilliant. You have started a revolution i can already see texture replacement packs and mods :) Thank you for your great work, time and effort :D

    • He’s already responded. He isn’t familiar with audio technology and thus won’t be making any attempts to fix it.

  35. Here’s my first attempt at a higher quality font replacer. It does look much cleaner and crisper in-game I think. The screenshot below is hard to tell…



    There’s several issues I encountered. First, Dark Souls does weird texture filtering that makes my attempt at black subtitle outlines become all pixelated with artifacts in-game. Bah. But pure white works. Secondly, the game does bizarre spacing of letters, very strange, but it even the original game had this issue.

    Durante, if copyright is an issue, I can remove all original font data from these files and just include my new font…this is just a test anyway, although it should work fine and be superior to the original game.

    • I don’t like the font used much, but it’s a good first effort. I could try to fix the filtering issue.

      • If you tell me what font you’d like, I’ll make a version with that. If you don’t know a specific font but have an image or something of text you like, I can work with that too.

        And yeah, it would be great if you look into the texture filtering issue. You can see what the problem is by using the subtitles with black outline .png in my archive. I’ve noticed other texture filter issues, which I’m sure you are aware of. Such as the broken lines on the main menu and intro logos. It reminds me of texture filter issues on emulators.

  36. Again, thanks Durante for your continued work.

    For anyone who has gotten the texture override to work, do you have to change the files to a format besides TGA (which they are ripped from)? Trying to do a modification of one of the armor sets and it’s not changing anything in game.

      • Tried a .PNG with transparency (because to my knowledge Photoshop won’t let you save those files with an alpha channel) and got nothing. If you can make .PNG files with actual alphas, please let me know how to do it.

        I’m wondering if the armor I’m trying to change has a male and female version even though it looks the same. The armor I’m trying to modify is: (MINOR SPOILERS)

        Chester’s outfit. Found the hashtags 2c0b0819 (the coat) and 4b462d6 (the trousers) but again, any changes I make do nothing.

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