GeDoSaTo Beta 9 Release – “Underground Network”

This is mostly a bug-fixing and compatibility release, while under the hood changes continue to get ready for broader API support (which, before you ask, is a lot of work and will still take a while).


  • General:
    • Added nearest neighbour scaling option (this is intended to be used for upscampling in retro games, not downsampling)
    • Added “interceptOnlySystemDlls” option to potentially increase compatibility with 3rd party injectors
    • Fixed enum ordering in the scaler (should *really* fix Mafia 2)
    • Fixed overlays/console not rendering in some games
    • Fixed normal resolution screenshot regression introduced in beta 8
    • Fixed initialization for games which use automatic depth/stencil generation (e.g. Witcher 1)
    • Fixed initial render state settings
  • GeDoSaToTool:
    • Added option to launch at windows startup
    • Added command line option for launching minimized
    • Check for and resolve leftover registry entries on startup
  • Generic Plugin:
    • Extended postprocessing/screenshot targeting functionality (can now delay to first draw after marked pixel shader is set)

Basically, this release further improves compatibility, fixes some bugs and increases the functionality of the generic plugin. It also adds some requested useability features to GeDoSaToTool.

Download GeDoSaTo 0.9 “Underground Network” here, and if you want to encourage further work on GeDoSaTo donations are welcome.

There are even more options which can be configured per-game now, so if you find some compatibility settings (or good postprocessing options) for a given game please contribute on github.

Edit: Oh, and yes, Chrome is probably still falsely flagging GeDoSaTo. Take it up with Google, their processes for trying to get this fixed are stupid.

21 thoughts on “GeDoSaTo Beta 9 Release – “Underground Network”

  1. Could you share your settings? Downsampking is working great, but problem with mouse making this unplayable.

    • Compatibility with Original Sin should be perfectly fine, I play it daily. Make sure you’re on the latest version of the game.

  2. Hey Durante, I’m not sure if this has ever been covered so I’m just gonna go ahead and ask… Do the post-processing functions work on Win 8.1 – 64bit (seeing it’s based off Sweetfx)? If not, do you have a workaround for us?

  3. Dark Souls II will not launch for me now if this is running. I get a pure white screen until it crashes.

  4. Noticed on NeoGaf that there’s a suggestion to make the alternate injector the default and possibly eventually replace the current default injector entirely.

    Just wanted to say that there still seems to be some compatibility issues with it where it doesn’t work on certain configurations.


    I guess those who couldn’t make it work even with the registry adjustment back in 0.8 (Now applied automatically by 0.9) are still affected though I was waiting for a few days after 0.9′s release if anyone else was reporting it but no-one has yet so I thought I should mention it in case it’s possible to somehow fix this.


    In short the alternate injection doesn’t seem to take or hook at all, don’t know if it’s a 8.1 issue or a 64-bit issue or a 64-bit 8.1 issue (Some users on the forums reported using W7 though and getting this issue.) or some GPU / GPU driver problem (AMD specific then?) but that’s basically the problem, easy to see since there won’t be a log file created after starting a application nor will any of the keys for say toggling effects or the status screen.


    Hope this can be resolved eventually but I can’t really provide much in terms of detailed info or other troubleshooting help.

    (Just that on certain systems the registry tweak has no effect and thus alternate injection is rendered non-functional.)



    Great program otherwise by the way, hasn’t really been that many games aside from Original Sin needing alternate so the issue is extremely minor but as I said I thought it was still worth mentioning and maybe eventually it could be improved or even fixed. :)

    • Don’t worry, I won’t get rid of either injection method unless there is something which can truly replace 100% of both use cases.

  5. I’ve set my hide mouse cursor=false. But still can’t see the cursor in Dark Souls 2. Any way I can get it back?

  6. Another cool release, thank you very much for the effort that you have been putting on this.

  7. Pay no mind to the code in my previous post, it’s copy-paste that for some reason was non visible when i wrote the message, i just wanted to say that mouse in Divinity OS works with interceptwindowproc, but camera can’t be moved down or right unless i use wasd or arrow keys

  8. I can’t seem to get the Falloutlauncher.exe to show the new res. It just goes up to 1080p.

  9. Can you add the ability to change mouse settings with hotkeys in realtime?


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