I’m aware of the Dark Souls situation

Yes, I know Dark Souls has been patched, and that this broke the FPS unlocking feature of DSfix. You can stop emailing me, adding comments on the blog or contacting me through other venues now ;)

I’m currently quite busy (until the middle of next week where I have an important exam – maybe the final exam of my life), and since the FPS unlocking part of the mod is contributed by Nwks it’s not something I can immediately or easily fix.

Until a fix happens, you have two options:

  • Disable the FPS unlock. From early reports it appears like the other parts of the mod still work.
  • Revert to the original (pre-patch) files. Some people uploaded these and you should be able to find them, I don’t want to provide a direct link since I’m quite sure that’s not entirely legal.

Let me know in the comments if anything other than the FPS unlock feature is broken and I’ll have a look. Sorry that I can’t give you any better news (for now).



10 thoughts on “I’m aware of the Dark Souls situation

  1. With disabled fps unlock the game starts, however some things like FXAA and Dof are surely not working anymore, at least on my pc (win7 64bit with radeon hd5770 card)

  2. Hi pete.

    im sorry.

    preview message is wrong.

    this code for new version of Darksouls.

    // Time-step value address
    #define ADDR_TS    0x01245E80
    // Presentation interval address
    #define ADDR_PRESINT 0x01025E5E
    // getDrawThreadMsgCommand address in HGCommandDispatcher loop
    #define ADDR_GETCMD    0x00BD5A8D


  3. Hi pete .

    I tested this code.

    In FPS.cpp(Line:32)

    // Time-step value address
    #define ADDR_TS    0x012498E0
    // Presentation interval address
    #define ADDR_PRESINT 0x0102788E
    // getDrawThreadMsgCommand address in HGCommandDispatcher loop
    #define ADDR_GETCMD    0x00BD60ED

    FPS unlock works pretty fine on current version of  DarkSouls.

    this is great MOD.



  4. I am happy that you are aware of this problem, and that you will fix it, a not so long distance in the future :)



  5. In my case DS Mouse Fix stopped functioning. I can’t move the camera with mouse and the buttons don’t work.

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