DSfix 0.5

This is a maintenance release, and adds a few mouse-related features people were asking for.

  • Mouse cursor toggling with F9 should now be less finicky
  • You can toggle whether the mouse is allowed to leave the window with F10
    (this is useful in windowed mode or in fullscreen with multiple monitors)
  • Both of these settings can also be set in the .ini
  • The fix introduced in version 0.2 for cut-off text/buttons has been reworked to be much less invasive — if you have seen any degradation in performance or functionality from 0.1 to 0.2 this should fix it (I haven’t seen any changes)

This will probably be the last version for a little while, I have to go to work tomorrow ;)

Consider donating if you like the mod.

DSfix version 0.5 download

Please please remember to read the README.txt!

216 thoughts on “DSfix 0.5

  1. You are the beacon of light to pc folks, now if you would be talking smooth camera controls and better fps for ati cards, dark souls would be a cakewalk

  2. Ok tested it on another ATi machine and it the same there in blghttown first bonfire. 15 fps looking in certain directions in fullscreen, 30 fps in windowed.

  3. I can’t play with the dll in the folder, but if i remove it, the imagem stays very dark, what should i do??

  4. About mouse control:
    I was told that some guy using gamepad emulator “PPJoy” and its work better than ingame controls.
    I asked him, but he already gone to sleep.
    I downloaded and installed PPJoy, but either i using wrong version, or havnt been able to understand configs.

  5. Found something about the fps problems on ati cards:
    It seems to be related to the fullscreen mode somehow. I tested this in New Londo Ruins and i can reproduce it there every time i run down to the water and back up to the entrance to the Valley of Drakes and usually after running back 1 or 2 times it drops to 15 fps down at the water looking to the ruins , but it doesnt happen in window mode and it goes back to 30 fps if i alt tab out and back in. I removed the resfix mod and it doesnt seem to happen without it.

  6. Pingback: Dark Souls Tastaturbelegung - Seite 2

  7. So, who thinks they can fix the mouse look? I’m not sure how you could do it, but their code for mouse control must be extremely simple since there is no scaling relative to mouse speed at all. It’s a constant value being added or subtracted from the camera’s vector.

    • Yep. Now the camera moves like bouncing on stones on the ground.

      I’m only interested in fluid combat so played on lowest res, fps is good, but camera is jerky even there.

  8. Super gemacht, danke dafür.

    Hoffe ja immernoch das BANDAI in den nächsten Tagen selbst einen ausgiebigen Fix rausbringen. Das ist ja unterste Schublade wenn Dritte das Game für sie fixen müssen.
    Aber bin dankbar das sich dem jemand angenommen hat. :->

    • —>
      “Well done, thanks a lot.

      I still hope BANDAI releases an extensive patch in the next few days. It is beneath contempt if a third person has to fix the game for them.
      But I am grateful somebody attended to this. :->”

      This was german. *music*

  9. Pingback: Как убрать курсор в Dark Souls | Лампа. Кофе. Игра.

  10. Is there a possibility to add option for skipping the developers logos at the beginning?

    Not only they load up every time you start the game (I could somehow stomach that) but they load AGAIN when you’re trying to quit the game. And they are still UNSKIPPABLE. Why would they do that? I mean come on… it’s almost more insane than 1024×720 and 30fps ;_;

  11. First – Nice work. But Its not working for me. No errors, no crashes, just not working, still have no high resolution options.
    I followed readme, tried many variants of .ini, reinstaled video drivers, dx9, try to find collision programs.
    Any suggestion?
    ===== start DSfix 0.5
    = settings: 1366 x 768, logLevel 1, filteringOverride 1
    = dof: dofOverrideResolution 540, disableDofScaling 0
    = force no override, 1366 x 768, vsync off, 60 Hz, adapter override -1
    = cursor: visible, not captured
    CreateDevice —— Adapter 0
    – requested mode:
    – - Backbuffer(s): 1280 x 720 D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 *1
    – - PresentationInterval: 2147483648 Windowed: true Refresh: 0 Hz
    Reset ——
    – requested mode:
    – - Backbuffer(s): 1280 x 768 D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 *1
    – - PresentationInterval: 2147483648 Windowed: false Refresh: 60 Hz
    Reset ——
    – requested mode:
    – - Backbuffer(s): 1280 x 768 D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 *1
    – - PresentationInterval: 1 Windowed: false Refresh: 60 Hz

  12. Can you try to fix the 16:10 letterbox? Please :)

    I know there are other tools that seems like they fix it, but they cause CTDs, or they make the image and hud look stretched.

    Thanks for the new version and have a good week ;)

    • I really would like this fix as well. Oddly the first time I booted the mod (version 0.3) I had no letterbox. Then I fiddled with Nvidia control panel and it never worked again. Honestly even if the HUD was in the same place and the game rendered the full screen would be a big improvement. Thanks for the great work so far!

  13. Rotating the camera with mouse

    Can the camera be made to respond much smoother to mouse movement? Now the mouse controlled camera is 75% slower than playing / turning with gamepad.

    In game options for mouse/camera sensitivity are a joke with kb+m. Camera stutters heavily if i look around with the character even if the framerate is okay, which you can clearly see while just walking forward without turning the camera: fps is fluid.

  14. I posted this in “DSfix 0.4″ but seems nobody will now search there …

    Note to author, please add this:

    #ifndef _DEBUG
    #define _SECURE_SCL 0

    I found out that DSfix is built using Visual Studio 2008 (PE Header have linker version 9.0) and the code has many __invalid_parameter_noinfo(), see this: http://cowboyprogramming.com/2007/02/22/what-is-_invalid_parameter_noinfo-and-how-do-i-get-rid-of-it/
    This should slightly improve wrapper performance (but not game).
    Also, Microsoft disabled Secure SCL in release builds in VS2010 and newer.

    Without this this wrapper game is terrible to play on PC, so big thanks !

  15. It would be cool a system of a DLL proxy to load an additional D3D9, like SMAA by example. ENB has some similar, you could ask for some assistance from Boris to help you with this.

    MLAA is a kind of ugly and FXAA isn’t even supported by Radeon cards through control center of catalyst. Supersampling seems good, with a cost of a huge performance hit (in a already poor optimized game).

    Amazing mod btw, thank you so much and sorry for my poor english.

  16. Any chance to have device ( multimonitor settings ) selection in ini file ?
    I have 22” LCD monitor and 46” HDTV. When I want to play on my big screen I have to set HDTV as primary device and its little annoying . I know some d3d games that have option to select device on which game will be displayed in full screen mode.
    Can you add such option to DSfix ?

  17. @Mod Author

    Just got the game, installed this mod -> game is now FUCKING AWESOME..


  18. only problem now, like others, is the particle effects slowing down fps. usually doesn’t interfere with gameplay but when dragons are spewing fire or big magic blasts are going off it’s almost impossible to control the camera precisely because of the frame drops. similar problem is when wearing an enchanted shield i have, the effects dancing off my body will cause slow downs.

    • this is definitely a cpu related issue. had my PhII955 running at 3.2GHz and particles were taking a toll. @ 4.2Ghz barely noticeable fps drop anywhere even with fire breathing dragon+.

  19. My steam forum account still in query to authorize, so please anybody add that message to F.A.Q. thread:
    There are fix for keyboard+mouse control, not ideal, but making game at least playable.
    It makes hotkeys for disabling mouse movement while lock-on, so camera wouldnt jump around like crazy in combat. Currently author trying to make it automaticaly, but it sould take time.
    Also, i encourage ppl to bump thread about mouse lock-on, and please post there that info:
    Thx for that mod, it at least made game playable. One thing i want to ask, about improving mouse control:
    I understand, that now game takes any mouse movement as joystick or key pressed, regardlessly of mouse speed. So maybe it is possible to make mod for mouse movement of that kind:
    -mod would frequently turn-on/turn-off ingame mouse movement
    -slow movement of mouse would result in 1/10 ingame of actual movement (like instead of 10mm there would be transfered to game like 100short 0.01mm parts)
    -fast movement would result in 10/10 of actual mouse movement

    Thats the idea, but i not really know if it is possible to make, and if it would be playable.

  20. Durante, I just want to tell you that I’m truly grateful for all the effort you put into this.
    I wouldn’t have bought Dark Souls if it weren’t for your fix. So thank you for being awesome, and keep ‘em coming.

  21. First off, I want to be one of the many people to let you know that you’re doing great. Your fix made this game worth buying and your dedication to (not to mention your speed in) updating it is quite astounding.

    I have noticed a small bug with the cursor hide function. It seems that when I alt+tab to another window while the cursor is hidden, the cursor remains hidden and is to my experience unusable. This is easily circumvented by revealing the cursor in game and alt+tabbing then, but I just thought I’d let you know.

    If it’s too much work to fix, however, it’s really no problem. The solution is very simple.

    Keep it up, Durante. You’re awesome.

    Oh before I forget; have you figured out why the sun disappeared yet? It’s a very strange glitch and I’m curious. I don’t even care if you fix it (to be honest I kind of like it; it’s like the clouds pass in front of the sun occasionally, which is pretty cool), I’m simply curious as to what would cause such a specific oddity.

    • I’ve looked into the sun issue, and I really have no idea. It seems entirely random and I can’t see any pattern to it. I’ll certainly let everyone know if I ever figure it out.

  22. Very nice. Suggestion- why not put it on a locker like Mediafire (which can still be accessed from the US). Even if it’s a small file, I gotta imagine the bandwidth usage will start climbing as word of your fix spreads.

  23. I just want to say thank you for your hard, quick and dedicated work.
    You are the last bastion of hope for this game.

  24. This patch works fine for me, even using a laptop with nvidia optimus.
    The fps droped from 30 to 15, but in the older versions of the patch, I could not play, the fps droped to 8 or bellow.

    Your work is amazing! Keep Going! o/

  25. Still getting fps drops in front of heavy particles and other areas, at this point I think it might be my system but the first version still works just fine.

    • That’s normal. Reduce the resolution. (Heavy particles require an inordinate amount of framebuffer bandwidth)

      • I did, in fact I had set a lower than my native resolution (1600×900) but it happens anyway. I’ve also tried with the different anisotropic override settings, and if I disable it (put it to “0″) the game actually works even worse. Ironically, if I set it to “2″, it works at 30 fps, but still getting the drops in front of the particles.

        Just so you know, with the first release, I can set the framebuffer to like 2440×1080 and it works just fine at 30 fps all the time.

        • I’m afraid we all have framedrops no matter the system. This is just inherent to a non-optmized non-native engine running on a different system than what it was designed for.

          Don’t take it personal, it’s just horribly ported. Your PC is fine.

  26. When you get back from work, can you consider look into performance drop for AMD graphic cards? To work at full frequency, not in idle while game is running.

    Thank you.

    • For the love of cheesus, THIS.
      I should be able to run this game on my Athlon II X4 645 (3.1GhZ) and my crappy ass budget card (Radeon 5450 1GB). Can’t because the card’s full potential isn’t being used (I run TF2 maxed out at a clean 60fps).

  27. Hey man, i just wanted to say, THANK YOU for doing this for us non-tech-wise guys, i have a question, is there any possibility i could get banned for using this fix online? It’s just that i’m new to this whole online gaming thing and i’m not too sure about using it to go online.

    • It could happen, but I think it’s rather unlikely. It doesn’t seem like anyone would care enough to put cheat detection into this game which would mistakenly flag the fix.

  28. Hey Daurente, I’m just wondering if there is any possibility of being able to disable certain effects that the game uses like DoF or HDR? Its a stupid question, but I’m still curious, the game has a habit of using certain effects that can be taxing on systems with a weak processor. Thanks.

  29. I personally don’t understand why the people want a higher res for games. It takes away so much from realism and immersion. I have no framerate issues with max dof and twice my res, but the game looks so .. shiny and crisp

    Please guys, consider “the bigger the better” attitude here.

  30. The mouse is really jerky for camera controls in the default game for PC users. Have any thought about being able to smooth out the problem? Or any future thoughts on it.

  31. thanx bro

    but i wanna ask somthing and really HOPE U HELP ME OUT guys
    in DFix .ini…can i put resulotion more then 1920×1080 to make the
    image more better? but ofcourse im gonna make it 1920×1080 in game itself
    can i?

    i wanna know good way to make AA in the game through nvidia inspecter
    plz let me know how

    • Create a new profile for Dark Souls and add DATA.exe as the executable. Now leave it blank except for two settings. “Toggle FXAA on or off” should be forced ON, and “NVIDIA Predefined FXAA Usage” should be ALLOWED. Apply and launch the game.

      Sadly we can only use Nvidia’s ugly-ass FXAA for post-process anti-aliasing until Durante changes his injector to either include a better PPAA such as SMAA, or makes it so it calls for other D3D injectors, since two separate injectors cannot be used at the same time.

      • It’s entirely possible to use two injectors at the same time, as long as at least one of them allows using a secondary injector. ENBSeries allows this, but is not compatible with Dark Souls (the ENB notice shows up when launching the game, but has no effect on the visuals). It allows me to use both itself and the resolution fix, but once again, ENBSeries has no visual effect on Dark Souls, since Dark Souls is using unusual GPU function calls (or something like that).

        • Interesting. Is there perhaps an injector that acts merely as a host or bridge for multiple injectors? What about using more than one additional injector via ENBseries?

    • Yes you can crank up the resolution in the ini to make it look anti-aliased, and it will look better than FXAA, but the performance drop will be much greater. Only choose that option if you have a pretty high end system.

      • that’s what i did my res is 1080 but in the ini I set it to 1440 which really made a difference in how the game looks but then i again ive got a core i7 920 and two gtx 560′s. i tried running at 2160 but even that was too much for my system

  32. For anyone having the “Optimus” issue without having a system with Optimus installed, make sure MSI Afterburner or similar programs with an OSD server are turned off. Alternatively, with MSI Afterburner, you can go into the OSD options and select the checkbox in the config menu to enable compatibility with modified Direct3D runtime libraries.

  33. Let me first thank you for your all your efforts. What you are doing here is extremely appreciated….
    I have a minor issue though; if I run the game on 1920×1200 full screen, it returns a 1920×1080 image with black bars at the top and the bottom (in game resolution is set to 1920X1200 @ 60Hz and DSfix is set to 2560×1600 and DoF @ 1080). It appears that the DSfix does not support 16:10 aspect ratio. I was wondering whether this is the case.


  34. Durante,

    First of all, thanks a lot for this excellent fix! The fix seems to disable the Steam Community overlay for me, however, have you noticed this issue? I scoured neogaf and was unable to find anyone else with the issue, but since using the fix I’m unable to open the overlay anymore. Any ideas?

    Thanks again!

    • The fix introduces following fixes:
      -Mouse cursor toggling with F9 should now be less finicky
      -You can toggle whether the mouse is allowed to leave the window with F10
      Have you set any of this buttons for your steam overlay. For example opening the steam overlay with F10 or etc?
      Only a guess, I’m not using steam at all.

  35. It is possible to add Triple-Buferring of DX? and maybe SSAO like the profile of Nvidia or ENB? (Cause the guy of ENB hate the game cause he’s so noob playing and he wont make an ENB patch)

  36. Thanks for the fix and all your hard work! Oh wait I can’t use it because nvidia Optimus is a piece of crap ;_;

  37. Nice work, can you make a fps patch? or a proper mouse one, cuz the game looks so laggy with 30 fps and shitty mouse and keyboard support. Thank you man, you did a great job so far.

    • This is not going to be possible without an insane amount of work. The way the animations work is tied to the frame rate, so unlocking it (if it can even be done) would involve reworking the animations. I don’t even think that is possible to do with our current tools, so unlocking the frame rate would be more trouble than it’s worth (To our poor overworked developer haha). To be honest, I think that the next project that the Dev should work on, if he wants to branch out is an Optimus fix. Nearly half the comments on the last few posts involve users requesting Optimus compatibility so that seems to garner more popular support. Personally the frame rate doesn’t bother me at all, I can understand the desire for high rez as vanilla is awful, but that’s just me.

      • Durante,
        In the previous post’s comments a person posted:

        on 2012-08-26 at 00:31 said:
        Here are the files.

        The only changes are:
        Then name of the d3d9.dll you used is now d3fx.dll
        And a Hex value inside the Data.exe that was changed from d3d9.dll to d3fx.dll.
        Before you copy this to your game please make a back up because to retrieve the original exe or remove the resolution fix you will have to reinstall the game.

        This completely fixed the problem for me (after I remembered to turn off in-game AA !) and I have a 650m card. It seems to be particularly an issue with nvidia optimus LAPTOPS. But this still apparently interferes with GWL and saving. Now, if only Braincruser can rerelease his optimus fix with your 1.5 fix….
        Thanks for your awesome work!!! – Both!

      • Star Wars FU1,2, Transformers, LA Noir etc. May be somewhere buggy, but still better than 30fps lock. So this is not an argument.

        • I don’t think you understand that the game will literally not be playable. That is the argument. Deal with it.

    • Love this mod so much! thanks for adding the mouselock, hate using a third party app to correct this..

      I have a question. I took a screen shot of before and after and the difference is amazing. However, your screen shot looks to be a more zoomed out image. My texture sizes are exactly the same. I even tried crazy resolution sizes. They are clearer, but the same size. Am I missing something?

      edit: sorry for posting in wrong spot.

    • ok so i installed the patch correctly and have forced it in full screen and put the res up to 1440×900 but now the screen flickers really fast and load times are retarded. so i disabled everything and the problem still exist’s any ideas or is it just me having a AMD card?

    • I can’t get this patch to work. I install as directed into the DATA directory, set options in .ini file, and try to launch the game. I immediatley get a “darksouls.exe has stopped working” with an option to close or close and look for a solution on line. Anybody run into this or know how to fix.
      Thanks in advance,

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