266 thoughts on “DSfix 0.3

  1. You are the best. You keep posting these so fast. Thanks for making the PC experience more enjoyable. Praise the Sun.

  2. Donated some money for a just cause :) Not much but considering I got this game at a reduced price, I think you deserve some of the money too. You certainly made this game better.

  3. Thanks for your fix by the way!

    But considering you’re a genius and everything, I having freezing issues with the game. Every single time the game freezes in the EXACT same spot. At the beginning where the guy pushes down the boulder? he swings at me, then it just freezes, everytime. I have a good setup so I have no clue what could be wrong. I5-2500k, gtx560ti, p67 extreme 4. No one else has been able to help me whatsoever. Any hints or ideas??

  4. If i use fix my screen in game is just black with strange grey square and i can see only my hp,stamina …

  5. Heya, really great work! Problem is that my gaming window is in a “window” that is weapon icon health icon everything except where you see your character and play is in upper left corner, any fix for this?

  6. Question, probably a stupid one at that… but I just found out about this wonderful mod, do I have to download all three current versions, or does the latest files always contain previous updates, as expected?

    Thank you.

  7. Thanks so much for this, excellent work. Is it possible to use the Nvidia control panel to force AA on and such?

  8. I suggest to remove Namco Bandai and From Software Intros (They have some strange vertical stripes), remove Bios Bip sound when off mouse cursor and fix FPS drop rate in the next realease if you can, Thank a lot, you’re genius.

  9. great work!
    any chance for antialiasing like fxaa or smaa or anything?
    since this is already a d3d hook, we can’t use stuff like fxaa injector.

  10. Pingback: [News] Dark Souls on PC Gets Its First Mod - Twinfinite: Video game news, reviews, and opinion articles

  11. The game looks absolutely gorgeous now.. You are a true gentleman and scholar. Many thanks to you for your skills and ingenuity, and From Software for making this masterpiece and bringing it to the PC.

    • I would love this as well. That is, removing the unskippable intro splash screens that happen when you launch up the game, or quit from a character to go back to the main title screen. BANDAI NAMCO GAMES FROM SOFTWARE HAVOK :|

  12. Pingback: Fix That Pesky Dark Souls PC Resolution | Games Are Evil: 360, PS3, & Wii Console Gaming Magazine

  13. I personally wanted to say thanks alot to Durante for doing the work of the many for free. I would donate but I’m short this pay, when my next one comes I’ll send a present ur way :D, I feel sad FS didnt do this in the first place for the fact I would be able to praise them for their brilliant game but on PC though not gamebreaking for gameplay, The others who cant stand the grainy graphics you are keeping them going and making the great game shine for more SO keep it up you Bloody Legend XD

  14. sooo, if i’m not too demanding, i hope…
    can you make a version for laptop people who use nvidia optimus? like the fellows a few posts up? :D

  15. Thanks man! You’ve basically turned an unplayable mess into a proper port! This only makes the game devs look amateur, sadly. Good job!

  16. works great. was playing @ your OG settings and it ran almost perfect, just a tad bit frame drop some time. set internal to 1920×1080 and is great.
    there is a box with very thin black lines near the middle of the screen during company display images that appear when starting the game but doesn’t appear during gameplay.
    looks much better. apply @ FromSoftware, use the millions of PC gamers out there who have idolized you over the last 12 hours as a reference.

    • Yeah I’m having this same issue, just a minor annoyance. Otherwise. Thank you sir. You are a god. And come payday net Thursday you are so getting a donation.

  17. I got 17′ monitor with max 1280×1024 resolution. I got cuted up and bottom of screen in game. I put this fix into folder and change cfg and still i got cuted ;/
    Sry for my english. How i can fix it?

  18. Pingback: Sette minuti di gameplay per la versione PC di Dark Souls, con fix e senza - Page 4 - Il Forum ufficiale di Multiplayer.it, con discussioni, sondaggi e le ultime informazioni

  19. Wonderful work. Was excited about this before but now I’m ecstatic at the results. Too bad d3d9 files have issues with Optimus. I attempted to hex edit the .exe and renamed the dll this morning, which does work, but it breaks GFWL.

  20. Thanks so much for all your hard work to make the game look it’s finest! I wonder if From Software knew their game could look so beautiful.

    • I would buy you lunch for such a job well done, but the Atlantic would get in the way. So next best thing, check donations and have lunch on me. :D

  21. Thank you so much for this!! I would’ve stopped playing Dark Souls on PC immediately if you wouldn’t have fixed it!

  22. This is absolutely awesome! However my system uses Nvidia Optimus and so does not load d3d9.dll injections properly, would it be too difficult to convert it to an .exe injector? (Write system process to .ini, run injector, run game, injector grafts in script?) I don’t know about this form of programming so I don’t know how difficult it would be. This is still a godsend and I am emailing around for a fix for optimus.

    • First, this fix is just awesome. However I have same problem here. I have i7 core and NV GT 650M with 8G ram Optimus laptop but couldn’t get good frames :(

    • I did some test then I found when I’m using this fix it just runs with intel HD4000 graphic card.. Not using NV 650M.. That’s why I got so bad FPS..

      • Yep, that’s what Optimus tends to do. For some strange reason one of the lines in the D3D9.dll Nvidia reads as a system process and uses the HD 4000. It does the same thing with FXAA post process injector and ENB shaders, although ENB shaders author has made a version which injects via an .exe. Albeit it is not as efficient, but either of our cards have the muscle to still easily hammer out the 30FPS on such an easy to run game. I have been playing Dark Souls nonstop but it breaks my heart to have to use the crappy native resolution (and gives me a headache!)

        • Same problem here, I checked my NVIDIA GPU activity and indeed, its not using the NVIDIA GPU but only the internal one after applying the mod.

          Any hope for a fix in this regard? It would be really to bad to miss out on this great mod.

        • What I did was go into the Nvidia control panel, “manage 3d settings”, and change “preferred graphics processor” from “auto-select” to “high performance nvidia processor.”

          • I’m having the same problem. Setting the GPU to be generally preferred was the first thing I tried, but it didn’t help for me. I have no idea why.

          • That didn’t work for me, and i find it virtually impossible to believe that it worked for you! optimus despises .dll files nor can you manually whitelist them. Setting the default to the nvidia processor doesn’t change a thing for me in this situation or any other (like trying to run enb series with a dll for gta 4). A proper fix would be GREATLY appreciated. God i hate optimus.

  23. Holy Crap. You’ve released 2 updates since I downloaded the first one and played for like an hour or so.

    You have serious coding skills.

    Thank you!

    • Thanks for telling us… I’ll refrain from downloading it then until a “complete” mod version can come out. Then the modder will be rich on our moneys.

  24. Thanks a lot for your work!Right now,you’re the “god” of modders.
    For me,i still can’t put the resolution on 640×480 but is okay…

  25. You know, I actually thought there would be a fix for Dark Souls but not at the rate you’re pumping them out.

    You’re one damn talented individual managing to fix up a game with a closed engine.

  26. Thank you for all the effort! I’ve donated a couple bucks. Not much, but at least something. It’s the thought that counts.

    Keep on the good work!

  27. Thank god for the toggle button :D Awesome mod! Now it’s just the background textures that need fixing.

  28. T_T You are a genius, thank you very much , I hope you will fix FPS drops than i can buy the game, i can’t beleave that you did something like this in this short time, From Software has non excuses, they produced the worst porting ever and you made it one of best JRPG in history of PC. Thak you !

    Sorry for my bad English

      • Yes, technically and grafically, without fix, it is the worst for a 2012 game just see what a good porting made SEGA with Binary Domain after almost a month from console release but as i said before it is one of the best RPG and I’m glad that PC Gamers can play this masterpiece.

        • It’s not the worst. you have no idea how difficult it is to recompile code designed for a PS3 and port it over windows.

          • “recompile code” …. You have no idea what you are talking about.

          • @donk
            No, it’s not okay to criticize when you don’t even know what you’re talking about. This isn’t even a bad port. You know what was a bad port? Ghost Recon. Holy crap, two weeks after release and that game was still running at 10 fps. And that was AFTER they delayed it for more than a month.

          • No, I don,t and it seems neither do the people who ported it.

            There’s no excuse for this miserable piece of unplayable shit, no matter how difficult it is.

            People are expected to PAY MONEY for it. It doesn’t matter how hard it is, it’s their job to do it right.

            Do you think if the house you live in collapsed and killed half your family “You have no idea how hard it is to build a house” is a good excuse?

          • “Do you think if the house you live in collapsed and killed half your family “You have no idea how hard it is to build a house” is a good excuse?”

            No, but this is a video game, not a family-murdering house. You can’t just say a similar-but-infinitely-worse scenario to justify your rage. From warned everybody about the quality of the port before it came out, yet here you are, ignoring the warning. Besides, it’s been working fine (aside from not being able to summon anyone ever.)

        • Actually, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is a far worse port, if I’m not mistaken.

          Yes, this port could have been far better, but its not BAD by a long shot. There are things that can’t be excused, but hey, at least the game works and plays well, without any massive game breaking bugs.

  29. I don’t know who you are in the reality but from today you are my new god with arnold schwarzenegger and sylvester stallone.

  30. Well the framerate still drops to like 15 when resting at a bonfire and when in front of other particles. First still works great despite the text flaws, guess I will be sticking with that for the moment.

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