I’ll add more internal details here soon.
Check out a general overview at GAF.
Also, this is the donation link in case you want to donate.
Download Link
Important: turn off in-game AA (blur filter)
Known Issues
- Message text is not rendered correctly. I will work on this tomorrow.
- Does not work with the in-game AA (but that’s just a blur filter anyway)
- Bad framerate reported on AMD cards, NV seems fine
I put the .dll file where the Dark Souls executable was, but when I started the game it crashes on the logo screen and says ” Dark Souls executable stopped working.” The rest of the files worked fine. I’m just wondering why the game keeps crashing.
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I put the file in with the executable like the read me said, but the game would not open at all. Then I took the file back out, and the game started again. I know very little about computers. Can someone tell me why this didn’t appear to work? It was version 5.
Thanks man,
donated a bit
Because you’re doing the work for a company that should do this in the first place.
Have a nice day.
Could you also make a mod to fix the mouse deceleration?
Pingback: Dark Souls Resolution Mod | True PC Gaming
Hello, I can’t register with a generic mail on neogaf. So I write on your blog.
I read that you want to know how to make working ambient occlusion with Dark Souls.
I find the tip (He take me some time)… Put the SAME resolution in your txt file and in the ingame resolution. It only work with your fix (so thanks again for that.).
Profile fallout 3 or fable the last is great.
It take me few hours to discovered that
I hope I can help you like you do for me with your fix. The game is so much beautiful with ssao
When i run the game with this mod (i put the 2 files in the same folder as the .exe), it works fine all the way from initial cinematics till character creation. after that i get this: http://tinypic.com/r/10wk7zp/6 when i try to printscreen, the printscreen that i capture is all white, as if the computer can only capture the top left white box and not the HUD on the bottom left. Also, the game itself works fine. i still hear myself slashing at the wall when i click. i still can move, i just cant see anything. helpppp! game worked fine before this mod btw!
Turn off in game AA.
Pingback: Dark Souls: una mod non ufficiale risolve il problema della risoluzione
Pingback: Best Pc Games 2010 | Unofficial Dark Souls PC mod fixes rendering resolution • News • PC • Eurogamer.net
I really want to buy this game, but my PC uses an ATI Radeon HD 6800 (AMD) graphics card. I am aware of some issues being present with the fix for AMD cards.
I have read the readme of every version, and am actively following the discussion on Neogaf. Does the 0.4 version work well (or at least sufficiently well) for AMD cards?
Lest I forget, thank you Durante for your work on improving this port.
From what I’ve heard, it should run well at moderate resolutions (1080p), you just won’t be able to do the massive downsampling that some people are using.
Pingback: [RS+4] Dark Souls Fix v 04 Games Download - Downz.Net
When i went to start the game the second time after installing the fix I received an error message that said “cannot launch application running” upon investigation I found the Dsfix text doc had never stopped running. I can’t seem to turn it off and have tried restarting my comp. Anybody know how to fix this/
I sometimes get this. Just wait a minute or two.
So while trying to copy into game it says im short 370 Kb’s? im trying to delete something in my file but it wont let me am I the only one with this problem?
A cash back card all the visitors is talking about
Pingback: Dark Souls tendrá un parche con texturas HD
With or without the patch the game sometimes switches to desktop if I am running and swing a weapon at the same time. It doesn’t crash, and I can return to the game, but of course I have lost half of my health by that point.
Anybody else noticed this? It makes the game quite unplayable. Windows 7 64 bit, quad core, nvidia card.
Thanks for the fix, amazing work!
Can i ask for an option to hide mouse pointer in .ini file?
Pingback: 23 Minutes After Release, Modder Fixes Dark Souls PC Port |Trax Asia™
to author:
I recommend to make injector like i did, this will allow to fix issues with software like Afterburn, EVGA, XFire, D3D Overrider and performance on laptops with NVidia Optimus.
Pingback: Fansen fixar Dark Souls PC-grafik » KATHING
look the difference lol without http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/210900_3785114026211_2004024222_o.jpg
With http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/620409_3785169027586_1619796757_o.jpg
Better demonstrates then gaf pics imo. works for entire game btw
Hey I have an issue, with and without this mod, my game gets terrible framerate, and crashes a LOT, about every 10 minutes. my computer is good enough to run it i know that, i can run crysis on this thing just fine. i just need help on how i can optimize my computer or what i can do to help. i thought this mod may, but it really changes nothing.
Pingback: Latest Technology News » Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition Fan Mod Fixes Resolution
Pingback: Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition Fan Mod Fixes Resolution | TechnoBuffalo
Pingback: Dark souls - Page 3
Thanks for this!
Any word on how to get text to appear on higher resolutions? always completely blank for me (no cut offs or anything)
i have nvidia optimus my card is geforce gt 555m, im able to play max payne 3 and battlefield 3 in high settings, but this game is running slow, and with this dll, the quality of the graphics stays very good, but the fps of the game drops a lot and is impossible to play, ther is a solution for this problem?
Is it possible to use this fix on the steam version of the game?
Yes. That’s what I do.
Can you explain a bit more how to use it? Do I inject a file into the process or does steam have a folder where it holds the .exe? I’m not sure where I’d find it.
Nevermind I’m an idiot and found it after a quick google search.
Pingback: Dark Souls PC Edition Gets Day 1 Mod - OWNT
Pingback: Modder Gives Dark Souls PC An Upgrade | MensaDad News
How do i install it Plzz help :D.. ??
Oops sorry bad comment
already found it.
Pingback: Un fan creó un mod para solucionar el problema de resolución de Dark Souls en PC | Atomix
Pingback: Un fan arregla el problema de resolución de Dark Souls para PC « Barrio Gamer
I am playing on a crossfire HD6950 setup and have not experienced any sort of performance drops (also I am playing in 1440p). I just rang the first bell in game and so far so good as far as no problems with my AMD cards.
Crossfire HD7970 here and the game is running great at 2560×1600. I thought the locked 30 FPS would bother me, but it really isn’t noticeable once you get into the game for an extended period. It is really quite amazing how good the game looks with anisotropic filtering and aa forced from ccc.
Really thanks for this patch.
Can you make optimization patch?
I really need it…
I cannot play darksouls because of bad optimization of fromsoftware.
Hope for optimization patch..:-)
Dark Souls on PC is a double edged sword IMO. We can probably all agree that this port is a horrendous piece of crap but at least it’s on PC now. I have had fun even though I really miss the mouse looking since I have to use controller. But we need to support these guys now so that they might in the future actually employ some guys that actually know something about PC platform because let’s face it, the From guys clearly don’t
Good job man. Took me some time to get the game working with and without the fix.
If you are having issues with game crashing with this fix or without:
1. Make sure you disable any kind of FPS/GPU monitors you have (EVGA Precision for example).
2. Make sure you run the game as administrator.
3. In the Ds Fix file change logLevel 1 to logLevel 0
My monitor is 1920X1080 native. Is it okay to set a higher resolution? I am not sure what the difference between internal resolution and display resolution is. Thanks!
my pc specs: core i7 3770 , 560ti . . .
Pingback: Dark Souls PC modder ups the resolution | SlappersOnly
If game crashes at startup close MSI-Afterburner if it runs, that was it for me.
dude thank you so much! that was the problem
i ran the new mod but it is only playing in the top right corner of my screen looks in full res but it only 6 by 5 inches big?
Turn of the anti-aliasing from game options. Should work fine after that.
Pingback: Dark Souls mod fixes Prepare to Die edition resolution problems | AXE TİCARET
Any idea why it doesn’t like MSi Afterburner?
Hey all
Bit off topic but am frustrated as hell. Last few days my games and any other full screen apps keep minimizing randomly. i recently got a new monitor dell u2312hm.
system specs: AMD phenom x4 975
radeon 6850
jigsaw 8gb ram
Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks justin
Pingback: Blogme » Dark Souls internal rendering resolution fix | metaclassofnilblog
I have huge perfomance drop in 0.2 version, in 0.1 game runs fine…
I keep getting this error when i try to run the game with the files.
Application Name: DATA.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 50090197
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 9e7058f0
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Ok fixed setting log level to 0
I came with the force of a thousand suns