GeDoSaTo minor update, Pillars of Eternity, DX11

I just pushed a minor update to GeDoSaTo (which you can download here, as always), mostly to integrate the pull requests and new profiles people have contributed over the past 3 months or so.

With the release of Scholar of the First Sin, I also get a lot of renewed interest and questions about DX11 support in GeDoSaTo. The answer to that is still that I’d love to do it (and I also already laid some of the groundwork for it last year), but I simply don’t have the time right now between some increased load at my “real job” and still trying to get some gaming in. I do of course welcome any contributions, as always.

Speaking of gaming, Pillars of Eternity was released recently, and it’s really really good. You should play it.


4 thoughts on “GeDoSaTo minor update, Pillars of Eternity, DX11

  1. Is it really possible to downsample Pillars of Eternity? I’ve tried everything and I can’t make the internal resolution render at 4K. Sure I can choose the 4K resolution, but internally the game is upscaling to 4K and downsampling back to 1080p. It doesn’t look good.

  2. Was playing DW8 Empires last week, then remembered you were trying to fix it last time. How’s progress for the DW8 plugin so far, any hope? I remember using CheatEngine to attempt a resolution change, but all it did was make the HUD shrink or something.

  3. It’s fine if you don’t have the time. We have enough to thank you for already, but it’d be nice nonetheless, I can’t seem to get any other injector or downscaling utility working with the new DaS II, but I can live with the slight smudginess of FXAA.

    More importantly, what you think of the visual tweaks?, new reflections,lightning, etc?, there is probably more that I didn’t even notice. The gameplay changes were pretty good, feels like playing DaS II: Master Quest.

  4. So glad to hear from you again Durante!

    The sooner GeDoSaTo can do DX11, the better as I miss my texture mods.


    Keep us posted!

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